Series 1

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Break Out in a Rash When Aroused or Always Feel Like You Have to Poo

Choice 1
Break Out in a Rash When Aroused

Things to consider:
-You break out in a rash that covers approximately half your body whenever you are aroused.
-Arousal includes any thoughts, feelings, or inclinations that you may have, including actual physical arousal (it doesn't have to be dirty). For example, admiring how attractive a person is counts.
-It is not painful, but rather uncomfortable, incredibly itchy, warm and like a rug-burn.

-It covers a random half of your body each time. It is also obvious to people around you that you are breaking out in a rash.
-It lasts approximately 2 hours. If you are aroused again while waiting, the clock gets reset to 2 hours.
-It can not be treated with anything to help with the sensation.
-Though uncomfortable, it doesn't hinder movement.

Choice 2
Always Feel Like You Have to Poo

Things to consider:
-You don't ever get used to the feeling.
-It feels like an average time when you had to do a number two. The intensity doesn't increase.
-Focusing intently on a task will diminish the feeling. Similar to if you actually had to go and tried to distract yourself. But you will never get any better at learning how to distract yourself.

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Break Out In A Rash When Aroused Or Always Feel Like You Have to Poo
Break Out In A Rash When Aroused
Always Feel Like You Have to Poo free polls