Series 1

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Transition to Opposite Gender or Forced Philanthropy

Choice 1
Transition to Opposite Gender

Things to consider:
-Over the next six years, you will slowly transition to the opposite gender. It will basically be like going through puberty all over again.
-After you go through the awkward transition stage, you will fully become the opposite gender and actually be VERY attractive. At least 95% more attractive than others of that gender.
-Your genitals will also change, but your mind will remain exactly the same, including your sexuality.
-How would your current significant other react (if applicable)?

Choice 2
Forced Philanthropy

Things to consider:
-60% of all your income MUST go to a charity of your choosing, forever.
-The rule applies to any gifts, bonuses, spontaneous inheritances. If you acquire material goods, you must periodically sell 60% of the total worth and donate it.
-The rule will come into effect for your significant other if you enter a relationship for more than 2 years. If your significant other refuses and you stay together, you die.
-Every year or so, you will be publicly recognized for your philanthropist activity on the national stage (at least on prime-time TV) and you will be portrayed very favorably.
-The money that goes toward the 60% has to belong to you. As in, you can't ask people to donate to your charity and count it toward the 60%.

Please vote, then comment on the blog about why you voted the way you did.
(anyone is allowed to can even comment anonymously)

Transition to Opposite Gender or Forced Philanthropy
Transition to Opposite Gender
Forced Philanthropy free polls

1 comment:

Steve said...

Just as a fun fact, I read about this one genetic disease where you are born as a female, but as you go through puberty, you grow a penis. In some cultures, these people are worshiped as gods because apparently they know what it feels like to be both genders.

Who's pickin' what? I haven't voted yet but I'm thinking I'm going with choice 1. I think 1 could be kind of funny if your partner were bisexual.